
Haowen Hou is an undergraduate student specializing in Computer Science at Soochow University. He has had a deep interest in computers since very young, and assembled his first one at the age of 10. His research interest lies in Robot Learning and Computer Vision. Currently, he is working in the MVIG-RHOS group at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, supervised by Prof. Yong-Lu Li and Prof. Cewu Lu. He will join Prof. Hao Su’s lab at University of California San Diego as a Research Assistant. Haowen’s dream is to enhance the capabilities of intelligent agents, not only to perceive the world but also to interact with it.


July 2, 2024: Revisit Human-Scene Interaction via Space Occupancy is accepted by ECCV 2024.


(“*” indicates equal contribution.)

Revisit Human-Scene Interaction via Space Occupancy
Xinpeng Liu*, Haowen Hou*, Yanchao Yang, Yong-Lu Li, Cewu Lu
ECCV 2024Project PagearXiv